CYP Forum – Trusted Relationships

The VCSE led North Somerset CYP Forum brings together a network of providers, voluntary sector, statutory partners and funders to develop and influence commissioning around children and young people’s provision. The Terms of Reference can be found here.

In 2019, the forum set out to understand the types of issues affecting young people, alongside the current constraints on services and looking at gaps in service provision being provided.



The forum is moving now into its next stage to develop a VCFSE led action plan. The undertaking for this plan is to map the provision for Children and Young People in North Somerset, locate any gaps in services and link the services provided to the five ways of wellbeing for Children and Young People. In addition, the forum aims to build a network of trusted relationships for the VCFSE who support children and young people.

The ultimate vision for this work is to provide the information to support the development of a future resource for social prescribing for children and young people.

Meeting dates 

– 2024 meeting dates to be confirmed