Domestic Abuse Recovery Service

The History of VANS Domestic Abuse Recovery Service

In 2019, VANS was made aware of the closure of a local charity that had been providing counselling services to those suffering domestic abuse. An agreement was reached, and VANS took on responsibility for Reclaim.

In light of our service expansion, we have rebranded as the VANS Domestic Abuse Recovery Service (DARS).

From the early stages, we have picked up from our 1:1 counselling, expanding to include working with children and young people, developing partnerships and closer working relationships with the local authority and police. We have now created a project specifically looking at the links between disabilities, chronic pain, and domestic abuse due to the gaps in provision and the lack of understanding of trauma links within professional communities of survivors with disabilities.

Who We Are and What We Do

DARS is a ‘By and For’ recovery service run by survivors of domestic abuse and people with disabilities or who suffer from chronic pain.

At DARS, we understand that each individual’s journey is unique. That’s why we provide emotional and psychological support through counselling, tailored to the specific needs of those who have experienced domestic abuse, via our specialist referral pathway.

The therapists at DARS specialise in dealing with the unique needs of individuals who have experienced domestic abuse. We help survivors cope with the trauma of abuse, process their experiences, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

At DARS, we understand the financial burden that seeking help can bring. That’s why we offer ten free counselling sessions to adults, including those with disabilities or chronic pain, and children and young people aged 11 to 17 years old or 25 for people with special educational needs (SEN). We want you to know that support is available, regardless of your financial situation.


Our Offer

  • A free, confidential service in various venues across North Somerset for one-to-one counselling for anyone who has experienced domestic abuse.
  • Advice and direction to the right agency that can further help and support clients.
    To make a referral, call 01934 903300 or email [email protected]

For more information, head to 

What To Do In A Crisis

If you need to leave in an emergency
Call us on 0800 4700 280 (Next Link)
There will be an answer phone call at night, but don’t worry; help is still available.

Contact the Police, who will help you get to a safe place and contact us in the morning.
If you need medical attention, go to a Hospital Casualty Department.
Take your front door key, any benefit books, or proof of identity if possible.
Do you want to stay in your own home?
We can help you stay in your home, keep the perpetrator away, and make your home safe. Below are some examples of the support we offer.
• Someone to talk things over with regularly
• Form a safety plan
• Help you go to court to get legal protection
• Work with the Police to keep you safe

Call us on 0800 4700 280
If you need immediate help For people who are living with their abuser, Next Link North Somerset may be able to offer you support:
0800 4700 280  (Monday – Friday 10 am – 4 pm)


You can help us raise funds when you shop online at over 4,000 retailers, simply by shopping via the Give as you Live Online website.

Give as you Live Online is a free and easy way to raise money for Reclaim and once you’ve signed up, you can browse their website for the store you want to shop with. Click ‘shop & raise’ to go to their website, then continue to shop as normal.

You’ll then receive an email within 1-7 days to let you know how much you’ve raised for us.