Volunteers’ motivations are as diverse as those who choose to give back.
For some, it provides an opportunity to:
– give something back to an organisation that has impacted on a person’s life, either
directly or indirectly
– make a difference to the lives of others
-help the environment
– help others less fortunate or without a voice
– feel valued and part of a team
– spend quality time away from work or a busy lifestyle
– gain confidence and self-esteem.
For some, volunteering can be a route to employment or a chance to try something new, which may lead to a career change as volunteering can be a way of:
– gaining new skills, knowledge and experience
– developing existing skills and knowledge
– enhancing a CV
– improving one’s employment prospects
– gaining an accreditation
– using one’s professional skills and expertise to benefit others (can be known as pro bono).
For others, volunteering appeals because of its social benefits. These include:
– meeting new people and making new friends
– a chance to socialise
– getting to know the local community.
Regardless of the motivation to volunteer, what unites all of the reasons is volunteers find volunteering both challenging and rewarding.